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Trumbull Continuing Education
How to Talk With Your Angels
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Receive Loving, Inspiring, Clear Messages! During this amazing class, you will experience how easy and empowering it is to ask your angels questions, and receive their supportive, comforting, and insightful messages through journaling. Writing with your angels is extremely beneficial because they know you better than anyone else on earth, and their messages are positive, hopeful, and full of loving wisdom. This class is unique because you will also experience how to spiritually connect with your Divine Angel, how to properly ask them for help, and what their name is. 

Why are the Angels Messages so Beneficial?
♥ They give you guidance to move forward on your life path with more ease and grace.
♥ They give you insights to manage challenges more calmly.
♥ They give you support and inspiration when feeling down.
♥ They build your self-love and self-worth with their encouraging words.
♥ They give you clarity with making decisions.

How to Talk With Your Angels (CE42)
Sessions: 1
Dates: 2/6/2024 to 2/6/2024
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location:  Trumbull High School Room C-2
Instructor: Robin Tesei
$44.00   (Class Fee)
10% Senior Discount

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