Trumbull Continuing Education
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Trumbull Continuing Education
Wheeling and Dealing: Car Buying Wisely 
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This seminar is taught by Beverly Nathan, a consumer advocate and not a car salesman. She will teach you inside secrets to save you money. To be discussed: buying used cars, new cars, invoice price, wholesale price, rebates, hidden rebates, hidden warranties, negotiating, tricks of leasing, salesman tricks, buying off the internet and sources of information. After this course you will have the ability to negotiate from strength and avoid getting ripped off.

Optional material fee of $20.00

Wheeling and Dealing: Car Buying Wisely (CE14)
Sessions: 1
Dates: 10/30/2023 to 10/30/2023
Meeting Time: 
Monday  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location:  Trumbull High School Room C-5
Instructor: Beverly Nathan
$70.00   (Class Fee)
10% Senior Discount

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