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Trumbull Continuing Education
How to Drastically Cut Costs in Difficult Financial Times
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If you are trying to drastically cut costs because your retirement plan or your savings plan has lost a lot of money or you can lose your job and want to learn how to save thousands of dollars, this course will greatly help you. Bev Nathan, who is strictly a consumer advocate, will explain how to save thousands of dollars. To be discussed are ways to save money by investing on your own with no-load mutual funds, the benefits of credit unions, buying used cars, saving much money when getting a car, home and life insurance, and methods to reduce school and county taxes on your home. There are many other ways to save a considerable amount of money. These will be discussed in detail, as well as money-saving websites.

Optional Material Fee $20.

How to Drastically Cut Costs in Difficult Financial Times (CE10)
Sessions: 1
Dates: 10/17/2023 to 10/17/2023
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location:  Trumbull High School Room C-5
Instructor: Beverly Nathan
$70.00   (Tuition)
10% Senior Discount

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