Trumbull Continuing Education
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Trumbull Continuing Education
Advanced Digital Camera Operations
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This course is designed for those students who have a basic understanding of how their digital camera works. ISO, Modes, Shutter Speeds, and F Stops. The course will review the basics going over any information the student may not be 100% sure of and introduce new and advanced information. Demonstrations will be given which will help the student be fast and accurate in their picture taking with natural light and flash techniques. Individual interests will be focused on regarding different types of photography and problems encountered (portraits, landscape, nature, and sports). Questions and sharing work will always be encouraged.

Advanced Digital Camera Operations (CE50)
Sessions: 3
Dates: 1/22/2024 to 2/5/2024
Meeting Time: 
Monday  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location:  Trumbull High School Room C-3
Instructor: John Zappala
$65.00   (Class Fee)

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