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Trumbull Continuing Education
Pay for College Without Going Broke
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Paying for college can be a daunting task. How can parents determine what they can afford before their child begins searching for colleges. Will the family be eligible for need based or merit aid? What are the aid disqualifiers and how to eliminate them. This class will show you how to search for colleges that are academic, social, and financial fits. Reports on your family's aid eligibility and aid disqualifiers will be available at no cost. This course is a must for parents who want to maximize their child's eligibility for need aid and merit aid regardless of parent income or assets; develop a game plan for searching and paying for college that you are capable and willing to pay for and how to avoid the biggest mistakes parents often make.

Pay for College Without Going Broke (0013)
Sessions: 1
Dates: 4/18/2017 to 4/18/2017
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday  7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location:  Trumbull High School Room C-5
Instructor: Michael Dailey
$20.00   (Tuition)

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