Trumbull Continuing Education
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Trumbull Continuing Education
Learn to Write
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If you always wanted to write, this class is for you. Your workshop covers the basic elements of writing – fiction or non-fiction, essay or memoir, short story or novel. Plot, narrative voice, point of view, dialogue, setting are just a few of the elements we’ll cover. We’ll also use a series of homework prompts and exercises to help make your work come alive on the page. You will be given plenty of writing craft handouts and will share your work in a safe and supportive environment. The passion of telling your story as no one else can, staying motivated and what to do when you get stuck are just some of the tools you’ll come away with. You will be inspired, gain confidence and learn basic skills to move forward on the writer’s path.

Learn to Write (0050)
Sessions: 8
Dates: 9/24/2013 to 11/12/2013
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Tina DeMarco
$70.00   (Class Fee)

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