Trumbull Continuing Education
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Trumbull Continuing Education
Tell Your Story, the One That's Begging to be Written
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A beginner's class on writing the short story or novel. If you've always wanted to write but didn't know how to begin, this class is for you. A writer's workshop on getting started, with the basic skills to send you on the writer's path. The passion of telling your story as no one else can, staying motivated and what to do when you get stuck are just some of the tools you'll come away with.

Tell Your Story, the One That's Begging to be Written (0052)
Sessions: 6
Dates: 1/31/2012 to 3/13/2012
Meeting Time: 
Tuesday  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Tina DeMarco
$65.00   (Class Fee)

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